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Press Start Screen

Press start screen with Spiderman observing the city from a perch at the top of a building.

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Main Menu

Presentation style for the main menu. Menus presented in more dynamic exaggerated angles as seen through Spiderman's eyes.

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Journal Pause Screen

Journal screen where player would access game details and player statistics.

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3D Map

Player would be able to access objectives, and missions from a detailed 3D representation of the city.

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Mission Detail Panel

A dynamic panel that provides detailed information about objectives and events.

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Post Mission Summary

A mission summary presented in the style of the Daily Bugle newspaper. The summary would provide details of the completes mission as well as a navigation menu.

Post Mission Summary Transition

A transition animation once the mission has been completed. The game would capture the last seen of the mission then animate it as if it was an image within a newspaper. The mission details would then be presented as the rest of the newspaper content.

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Spidey Vision Mission Select

Player uses a type of vision mode 'Spidey Vision' to select a mission from a selectable tiled images.

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HUD with health bar information and minimap displaying current location and current missions and objectives.