Login Screen
Players login to the game using their unique profile.
Players login to the game using their unique profile.
Logo sequence created as an introduction to the game.Created using Maya, Photoshop and After Effects.
Players select a mech that they will use in the game. Navigation consists of a main tabbing system across the top of the screen accompanied with a categorized selection column down the left side, and a detailed grid with filters on the right side.
Players select a mech to view their corresponding mech tree.
Using this screen players can unlock mech efficiencies.
Specifications panel of selected mech.Provide player with an general overview of the selected mech's specifications.
Provide and detailed view of the selected mech's slot capacity.
Player sets up the mech's loadout by filling the slots with the correct type of inventory.
List of friend's status and available groups with chat option.
Some HUD options exploring style and color.
HUD style and layout.
Battle grid layout, style and intro/outro animation.
Post mission statistics for personal performance. Interface consists of a tabbed category selection.
Post mission statistics for team statistics.
An early version of the Mechlab mech selection screen.
An early version of the Mechlab mech specifications screen.
Early version of the website landing page.
Website forums page.